Friday, March 6, 2009

Vintage Inspired Glassware!

Yesterday while at Fred Meyer, on my way to the garden section I spotted these vintage inspired dishes and glassware! They were on sale 15% off but I was a good girl and resisted temptation.

I was on my way to get some seeds and soil to get my seedlings started indoors.
I was going to look around in the outside garden section and to my shock it was snowing!

I still got my supplies for the garden, they were inside the building!
We can get snow clear up until the end of May or beginning of June.
We have warm sun July,August and September. Then by October the cold rain comes and the sunny days we do get are not warm. The skies are gray and the wind is cold!

Warm thoughts and blessings,


  1. Thanks so much and I'm glad your enjoying your kitchen! I had fun helping you (; I haven't been blogging much, I was out of town again and now my Mom is here for a couple of weeks so I've been busy, I don't know why you weren't able to leave comments but I guess it's fixed now. Talk soon.

  2. I need to get my wife a tea set we have been married to long for her not to have a nice set!:)

    Anyways, my wifes name is Annette (pastors wife)and she just opened her blog to public setting as she wants to be an encouragement and blessing to people. I was trying to be an encouragement to her by asking if you would be willing to swing by and say hi as she does not know many people in the blog world? Thank you for considering. Her blog is

    Thank You,
    Rodney(Annette's husband)
